We all know that one human year is equal to seven dog years, and when it comes to older pets, that fact is of the utmost importance. Senior pets need even more care during this stage of their life both at home and with their veterinary care providers. Together, we can help make sure your older pet continues to thrive throughout this stage of their development. Reach out to us at 905-257-3700 to find out more about our senior care services. 

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How often should I take my senior pet to the vet?

Although each patient is different, we recommend approximately two veterinary checkups per year. This will allow us to detect and get ahead of any potential health issues that your older pet may have. Remember, prevention is the best form of defense when it comes to your pet’s wellbeing. If your pet is undergoing any type of therapy, they may need more visits for follow-up treatments and assessments. 

Do senior pets still need to be vaccinated?

The short answer is yes. Unlike us humans, vaccination does not stop for pets when they reach adulthood. They will need to be vaccinated all throughout their life to remain protected against the most common types of diseases that affect them. For example, your pet needs their rabies booster once every year. Other boosters are administered once every three years. All pets will need to continue receiving rabies shots, as well as other core vaccines. As your pet’s lifestyle changes, the specific types of non-core (optional) vaccines they need will vary. Your vet will recommend which ones are best suited for your pet. For example, sporting dogs will need a different set of non-core vaccines compared to indoor cats. 

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